About Axial Stability Method
(For Doctors)
I have practiced successfully for 33 years. I have never seen a system that so clearly and effectively addresses and resolves neurological distress and disorganization as does ASM. I cannot emphasize how unique ASM is.
Virginia Shapiro, DC
Corvallis, Oregon
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Axial Stability Method® (ASM®) is an exciting new low-force chiropractic method. This whole-body biomechanical approach, when applied with consistent and careful attention to detail, delivers reliable results in clinical practice. Its remarkable efficacy has won an enthusiastic and loyal following with patients.
Firmly rooted in the grand chiropractic tradition of subluxation-based structural intervention, ASM combines elements of well-known low-force chiropractic techniques, as well as other advanced energy kinesiology techniques. We use the SOT wedges, modified Activator patterns, and AK muscle testing. In addition, we use Energy Kinesiology techniques primarily developed in Australia and Europe. This selective borrowing, modifying, and remixing of established chiropractic techniques, coupled with energy kinesiology protocols, has produced a systematic approach that is powerful beyond the sum of its parts.
In ASM, we view the neuro-musculoskeletal system as a dynamic biomechanical system: freedom of movement is balanced by stability and restriction of movement.
“Stability is defined as the ability to adapt to changes without a reduction in performance; to do this, a system must be able to move freely so it can distribute forces proportional to the power and vector of the incoming force.” ~ Dr. Rick Serola
When the biomechanical system is working well we are able to effortlessly interact with our environment. Injury to the biomechanical system can result in pain, clumsiness, poor coordination or balance, sensory integration problems, fatigue, short attention span, and many other symptoms. Stable sensory-motor function is at the basis of all higher neurological function and development.
The upright human body must maintain stability against gravity. This is the body’s number one job. At all times we are either defying or complying with this force and our ability to do so is the difference between injury and safety. Click to watch this video
In ASM treatment, we focus on two primary gravitational reference points:
1. The upper cervical spine (the vestibulo-proprioceptive, and visual systems)
2. The sacroiliac joints (SOT Category II)
The proprioceptive information coming from these two reference points must be coherent and synchronized for elegant, efficient movement.
Through a cumulative, protocol-driven series of treatments, using SOT wedges and visual-vestibular-proprioceptive sensory integration, we stabilize these two centers in relation to each other. This establishes what we call the “foundation” of the human biomechanical system. Once this core stability is achieved, the rest of the musculoskeletal system (arms, legs, spine, etc.) is then recalibrated using modified Activator patterns. We do these patterns in positions of increasing gravitational stress: supine/prone, sitting then standing. In this recalibration, we work with the muscle groups involved in the two primary phases of gait: the heel strike, shock absorption phase (nutation), and the recovery, swing phase of gait (counter-nutation). Click to watch this video
The extraordinary efficacy of Axial Stability Method is a result of this methodical approach to these primary biomechanical reference points and the crucial final step of recalibrating the biomechanical changes throughout the kinetic chain. This combination of stabilization and recalibration produces much more permanent results.
I have practiced successfully for 33 years in integrative chiropractic care and functional medicine. During this time, I have attended thousands of hours of high-quality continuing education. My mentors have been highly respected thought leaders. I have never seen a system that so clearly and effectively addresses and resolves neurological distress and disorganization (and their countless ramifications) as does ASM. It is entirely unique in the field of functional neurology and functional chiropractic in that it is an orderly, systematic, reproducible, and protocol-driven approach that is individualized at every step. As such, it is scalable, lends itself very well to research, and, in my opinion, should be widely taught to chiropractic and other physicians.
I cannot emphasize how unique ASM is. Many other approaches are protocol-driven for efficiency; but they are not based on sound physiologic principles nor are they properly individualized. This makes them highly ineffective. On the other hand, most functional assessment and treatment approaches that are based on sound physiologic principles are not protocol driven. They, therefore, produce inconsistent results and are neither scalable nor conducive to research. In my experience, Axial Stability Method stands alone in this regard.
Virginia Shapiro, DC
Corvallis, Oregon